GROUP 06 - Music Video 2008/9: Analysis of another student music video number 1

Friday, 26 September 2008

Analysis of another student music video number 1

We watched a student music video (T2-54 Riot Radio).
We thought it was a good music video but it got a bit repetitive after about a minute of the same thing. They used good effects in the video which linked with the music and to the beat really well, it made the video look a lot more professional. We liked the jumpy parts of the video and when it skipped quickly to another shot as again it related to the beat of the music which gave a really good effect. The lip sinking was really good and looked realistic, as was the playing of the instruments in time with the music and it looks a lot like they are actually playing the music. We liked the variety of camera angles used in the music video. Especially the low angle looking up at the band playing. We liked the different speeds of footage used. It gave a good fast effect like the pace of the music. They didn't dwell on one image too long they made quick snappy scene change cutting from bit to bit which was good as it looked interesting. We were a bit confused about the guy running round in the orange waist coat and we didn't understand the story or meaning behind it. We like the kind of sureal feeling tot he video, in the way that you don't ever really get a clear view of the musicians. Its only ever their close up side of face or distant view. Which was quite effective. They used a great variety of shots and from lots of different angles which we liked. But overall we give the video a 7/10.

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