GROUP 06 - Music Video 2008/9: Lyrics work

Friday 26 September 2008

Lyrics work

We listened to the lyrics, as we have not yet had a reply from the band 'Waco Brothers' via myspace, and we think these are the lyrics:

Well I slipped out the back door
As the ambulance arrived
Well I could've tole 'em my story
But I know I would have lied
So I pawned my sisters diamond ring
Got all the grams back
I figured with a little leywey I might just get on track

An I'm just trying to stay out of harms way
An I'm just trying to stay out of harms way

By the time I got to Chicgao
I thought I had something to sell
But the deal feel through as they always do
cest la vi what the hell
Every time I think of my baby
Working in that old coal mine
I feel so God damn guilty
I almost change my mind

And I'm just trying to stay out of harms way
An I'm just trying to stay out of harms way

An I'm just trying to stay out of harms way
An I'm Just trying to stay out of harms way
An I'm just trying to stay out of harms way
An I'm just trying to stay out of haaaaaaaaarms way



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