GROUP 06 - Music Video 2008/9: Indepth Final Idea

Friday, 26 September 2008

Indepth Final Idea

Our main character is standing in a empty space that will be plain coloured and simple. As the music starts he will start to lip sync the lyrics casually. Plain dressed people will start setting up props around him including a back drop and various objects relating to it. At the start only a few people will be moving around on the stage setting up scenes around the main character, further in however more and more people will be moving on the stage swamping the area around the main character practically ignoring him and moving him to do there job. throughout the footage it will be aparent that the main character is not amused with the intrusion and the harm all the moving object may cause him. this fits in with the songs title harms way. big backdrops will change and various props , for example a chair, will be used to interact with the character. As the peice moves on it will become more and more hectic as props are droped and people speed up. at the very end the music will stop but the footage wont all people would have left the stage leaving just the main character and a few props, he will leave the stage (you can hear his footsteps) and when he is off the current backdrop will fall crashing into the props and it will fade out.



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