GROUP 06 - Music Video 2008/9: Rough cut feedback

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Rough cut feedback

Some groups from our class watched our music video rough cut and gave feedback on the good and bad points.
Camerawork was said to be good especially the close ups of the facial expressions. There was a variety of shots used which was very good.
The editing needed more lip syncing but the close ups were included well. And the ending was enjoyed.
No effects were used.
We had lots of positive feedback on mise en scene. The props used were well related to the narrative of the song and video. The costumes were plain clothes which was good so that the background stood out. They liked the simplicity of the video and the room was used well.
The performance was planned well and worked well, good use of the actors.
The continuity worked well.
Overall comments were that we could have syncronized the lip syncing better and could have been singing instead of looking around. But it was a good idea overall and worked really well

We had no surprises from our feedback. We agreed with 99% of the comments before our video was watched.



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